My experiments with asking God Yes/No questions



I know of no better way to relax than to relax.
I know of no better way to make a mad woman madder than to tell her that she’s mad and that she should relax.

The idea first insinuated itself on me vaguely, it was way back when I was working in this horrible Hi tech company called VERITAS. VERITAS’s business involved building these listening devices and recording automatic operators to be deployed by 3rd world dictators that wanted ultimate control of their population, or worse still, deployed in the business intelligence market in order to monitor telephone service people.
You could set it up to data mine the audio for words, much like they do in the NSA or 8200 since 911.

A neighbor of mine at the time, stopped speaking to me upon hearing what I was working on. Apparently, he once suffered a mental breakdown while working as a phone operator  from the shear inhumanity of the job. One day for no apparent reason he answered an incoming phone call in Hebrew, using an extremely accentuated Argentinian Spanish accent. The customers promptly complained that he was ridiculing people from south America but even after accused of this by his supervisor he simply wouldn’t stop, he simply couldn’t stop, the accent had a mind of its own and had posted heavy armored carnivorous mustached guard outposts all along the velar ridge. They fired him but still he went around talking about chorizo with chimichurri to every third random stranger he encountered on the street. I felt really bad about it at the time, but then again, back then I could feel bad about damn near close to just anything.

Best book I’ll never read “Guilty of Everything” by one Herbert Huncke.

A homeless person named Alejandro took me to see his Nazi drug dealing boy friend prophesying on the way that one day I would kill him, he brandished a stick claimed could turn into a flute but instead kept chasing motorcyclists screaming obscenities. I was too depressed to be embarrassed, upon opening the door, the boy friend on the other hand proceeded to promptly tattoo “defeat” on poor Alejandro’s forehead, claiming that he had caught him sleeping in a pool of a vomited combination of milk and Vodka for the last time. Don’t notice him, said the boy friend, he is once of the richest geezers in Jerusalem, he just comes down to the beach to get himself nice and cuddly with death. Nowadays, thinking of that duo, I mostly don’t know which of them could make me puke more violently.

As you’ve probably already correctly guessed I was doing close to nothing for VERITAS technologically-wise. Instead, I was putting the time to good use by rereading parts of the ‘dune’ series while practicing Japanese martial arts in the nearby polluted Yarkon river. I took the job in order to save up money to go to arts school during the daytime while at night I was using sleeplessness, drugs and alcohol to try and kick myself in the head with stupid man as the muse would one day so eloquently put it.

A phone call interrupted my chew chew brain of bot, I just barely caught myself thinking something about cutting out the bullshit middle-men and finding a full-proof method for asking God yes/no questions or else disproving that such a method exists or ever did, when I unthinkingly and mechanically picked up the phone.

There was a strange man on the end of the line, there invariably is. He was asking something about target practice or the telephone service or my telepathy advice, I can’t remember which. My mind was now racing along three different simultaneously perpendicular & parallel topic lines, The reason I say simultaneously perpendicular and parallel is because they were destined to never meet and were extruding from their similar origins in ninety degree angles to each other, none of my neurons were in any way genetically related to the man whose voice was emanating from the phone receiver now held closely to my ear.

The metaphor for the method was loosely based around the notion that God was the head of this secret agency which was using end line operators to give us auspices and (more commonly) auguries as to what we should be doing here as secret agents. If caught by the local Polizei, militia, military, grocer, anybody, anyone, that any communication was ever used in order to issue orders at all would have to be falsifiable.

This meant that if clear communication with the operator was to be established, all hush hush puppy Jehovah zombie nin-Jah style had to be assured, if the agent, namely you, would fall into human hands, especially your own, you would have to be disavowed with extreme prejudice, ridiculed even by the agency and its operators, madmen were frequently chosen in order to expedite this pattern, normative madmen were also sometimes chosen and driven slightly, slowly  but surely to the outskirts of 2nd round TV propaganda bombardment radii before given a high enough clearance in order to do some real damage to the system innards. By the time this point was reached, those so called normative people would be too well adjusted to the mechanisms of internal control for anything as truly ungainly as puking on the bartender to transpire. Hell, I just got my clearance forms reissued today, in fact, sometimes they make me do it daily, with the morning dump, and I’ve been working this racket for what must seem by now even to all knowing story tellers as eons.

How would I handle going to the supermarket store to get your daily supply of veggies and chocolate milk? they would surely spot my partly cloudy nature. Don’t worry, people notice nothing is a good rule of thumb.

What would you do then?, when?, when the radio starts blasting the theme song for ‘mission impossible’?


The method of communication must thus involve input that would be known only to the user at usage time and leave minimal trace of external involvement, the gentlest manner of communication would be deemed safest for using distinct rehashing functions as a trivial initial encryption mechanism. now, as long as the operator is satisfied with easy falsifiable proof of concept given with increasing probabilistic guarantee the mind’s random generator would have to be deployed in a manner of increased speed, but once it is synced with the encrypting mechanism nothing else would be required of it.

You can go to sleep or enter the vampiric state of ever awake at this point, it would just go on and on without you…

You could choose a name for instance, Danny boy, for instance, try first to lullaby it to sleep with the original Calypso version of ‘love me or die’. This doesn’t work but it will get your attention. Now, if you come across (or contract) that name or any near by derivatives during the next half hour, that would mean the operators answer is yes, conscious questions must be asked if the answer is to be processed by the conscious level of the brain. Raising these from the subconscious level, or simply letting the Id ebb into the Ego as Fraud would put it.

Now the flexibility of the mind comes into play, does a close enough derivative include someone reminding you of someone else bearing that name? 1st kin? cousins? Which Andy are we talking about? How close is the opposite of a thing to the thing itself? did you know that while all languages of the Latin family preserve a similar word for the word open each one has a very different word for the word closed. Cloth your eyes daily and silently play dead to listen to “the others”.

You get my point, in that case, all names are encountered all the time and God is always answering yes or else Jah if he happens to be speaking German.

There is another inherent apparent problem with external omens, insuring a true 50% probability distribution is impossible, though the same can be said of ensuring anything, fact is if the answers are known to some part of the subconsciousness before hand, the fair coin toss is irrelevant, the answer that is to be given is always given with probability 1 or 0 but nothing is both 1 or 0 except 0.5, so if you would take several questions and average out the answers a 50% probability is required so as not to let your will and other staying alive derived interests, that are primary hindrances to true knowledge, influence the output.

This thought, which is, I admit, dubious at best, led me to take the following course of action, I would ask myself a mental yes/no question and wait for the first tingle of sensation from my body, left side would mean no, right side would mean yes, middle would mean, still in flux. Sometimes, you can choose the answer and by choosing theoretically bewitch the world, willful choice is an illusion in such cases, have you noticed how no one around you has gone insane since 911? Do you personally know an aids victim? Has one of your ancestors died in the holocaust? Of course not, and anyway, why are you answering all these stupid questions? If I would question mark your mamma’s ass hole would the thought that you once slipped wrongly from that side cross your mind? did it cross your mind now? I am not thinking while writing this, why should you think while reading it? this book is intended for the first stage individual, are you an individual? stop fucking answering me, asshole! aren’t you listening to a word I’m saying, I am not darkness, love is darkness, love is the little death that comes t…. ah, what’s the point?

In a similar matter, as I have already made abundantly clear, what I am saying here is not true for you.

The first time I deployed my method fully was at this underground party they had in some highway tunnels being dug next to the old city walls in Jerusalem,
I think it was drum & base girls night out but again & especially then I could be mistaken, definitely something electronic, I closed my eyed to shut out the image junk, put on heavy sunglasses so that no one would notice, Hello?! How low? It felt stupid for just a second. Then I was finally an energy fountain again, not a mosquito and no denial at that, the feeling was wonderful, I danced for 3 hours straight, just like that, doing the craziest moves anyone would ever think of using loose correlation thought flow, Donald Duck, Dessey Arnes, Lucy, you got some X-plaining to do. While doing this, I was keeping the outer rim of my body both tense and receptive in order to notice any pressure preempting nearby objects or people, whenever contact was made with the left or right side of my body I would change course by answering my internalized last question with a yes or no appropriately. After practicing this for several years the yes/ yes, win/ win state can be entered within minutes, I hardly ever touched anything, I was dancing, three hours, inside the abyss of perfect existence, deep inside this abyss the eyes staring back at you are your own.

When finally I opened my eyes and stopped gyrating around the place was empty. Only two doped out Russian anarchists were bowing down to me saying they had never seen anything like it in their lives, I didn’t ask what they saw exactly and instead left the place immediately saying…

“Ok, this is boring me half to sleep, I’m going to take a nap and leave this sign up (not log in) instead”

If asked to Sauté my entire life experience into a single motivational coaching axiom I can at the moment come up with none better than ‘I am for myself, Jehovah loves you, Jesus loves you, Shiva loves you, Buddha loves you, Even mother fucking Moses and Balaam love you ,Jah, Jah, Jah, etc… And if this or anything could be agreed upon not even by everyone mind you just by everyone that I know, I tentatively propose that in the following year there could be found true zer0s and 0nes on the new Mars TV reality show, This and of course the age old harbing’n saying “do not give in to the vagina”.

The only question worth asking is not asking why live.
Be cause it hurts.
The only question worth asking is not asking why love.
Be cause it hurts.
The only question worth asking is not asking why suffer.
Be cause it hurts.
The only question worth asking is not even asking why surf.
The only question worth asking is asking why write!
Why write?! I don’t know, ask my wife!article-2254295-16ACCDED000005DC-719_634x803

Beelzebub, on the other hand, does not love you and that is why you simply must take this simply adorable little man and make him your ever lasting best and only friend. Deal you with the Devil? why don’t you, why don’t you? Take all your axioms BTW and stick them up your poetica or else tag them with appropriate names so that they can be dug up once coca cola comes out of fashion or to your belly button for all the soooo fucking good they’ll do you.

actually, come to think of it
there are no questions worth asking at all
So, learn to shut the fuck up!!!
trust us
it will do you a world of good.

Lucifer, on the other other hand, was a fraud, who would cheat the Poisson distribution for a cup of warm Sake or the sake of a poker game. He was killed back in 1984 while impersonating some swimming pool radiation free bio-neutral phlegm in order to beat the Vietnam/Lebanon draft. He has just about lost contact with contemporary life on par with the good old mighty himself. Thus, both keep living in their beloved proprietary cyanide deserts.

The reason I know this is that I was there to see it. Hell, I was the one that stepped on him/it, whatever you wanna call-it, carried him inside my body for 6 wonderful sexy years, I would stick needles into him, for he seemed to like it and grow black puffy pores of excitement at the soles of my feet.

Finally I got tired of the deal so I complained to my mom about it. She sent me straight to the doctor to get some antibiotics, the antibiotics killed him, the antibiotics killed it. Two years later I would have my Bar-Mitzva and become a morally responsible adult. 6 years earlier something had settled itself firmly inside my upper Jaw and has as of yet to let go.

Trust no-one?
Trust no-thing?
For greed I agreed,

Yes, but… Don’t trust your self???

That is a bit too harsh a mistress even for the 21st century, Not to mention the 20th one

For you see, truths tend to arrive in a totally random order and people can change I must believe this, I know I have, they do whether they want to or not, after all. The only problem with changing is the expectations of others, that’s why people like to travel so much. Apart, that is, from coming into contact with people poorer than themselves.

Achieving full free random falling state is easy, this state cannot be maintained, but if you’ve ever been there once, you can ne’er ever forget.

Forgetting everything you’ve ever known and moving into a mode in which anything you name doesn’t exist anymore. Once you forget a thing, you increase that things degree of freedom, that is why if it doesn’t let you go free it’s not true love. Same goes for you loving your past selves, which is everyone that will or has lived.

Have you forgotten whether you’ve turned off the gas oven again and you wanna go back inside the apartment just to check though you’ve already locked the door and forgot which pocket you put the key in? Now think of Nazi Germany! Now don’t think of Adolf Hitler’s penis reaching around his back and cumin all over himself in the general area of the asshole! Have I told you already that I right now might be a tad too strong for you!? That’s not because I wield gelded weapons of ass destruction, Its just, because self control is the most overrated quality ever, not saying that it’s not important, mind you, just that it’s overrated and tends to cause victim to slowly die.

In this world you should choose whether you’re a Lawyer or a Judge, I was told this a million times so I’m saying it once, here, just for you, my undaunted and only reader, you brave brave girl who has ventured forth along this crooked and oh so crooked a path we were given, nay, we are given still and always, to get to suck off my precious

answer me just these two riddles :
1. “Why is hiding things in plain sight always the most efficient?”
2. “Why does everyone that reaches enlightenment always and suddenly always and eventually
decides not to have any children?”

I knew the answers intuitively when I was 10 but ever since seem to have forgotten.

Are you bent on enlightenment? Write a 10000 recursive phrase list then, on how your life will be bettered through the delightful experience of taking on the role of charismatic leader, why you should be let out of the jungle? then go take your followers with you on whatever suicide road you’ve chosen and get the fuck off.
Also,  “I am here for life” same as y’all.

And now, a short commercial break…

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-“Receiving transmission from incoming space vehicle, does it comply?”

– “It’s blue but it isn’t even fly”
” must be some kind of tropical fruit”
“and I say, Brother, your axiom is wrong!”
“In your case it should be something more like … Mighty & Strong”
“like ‘if there’s one thing I know, its “take care for the fruit of the loom is yours”‘”
“Don’t shit in yards or in the back of the woods”
“Or else I will speak my mind, her mind”
“And not yours”
“Nor mine”

-“on the seventh day I’ll be a repair man”

-“Nay, and on the odd days you’ll get to be as a Cretan, wrong”

-“Is ‘connection’ not a charming wonder-thing in itself”
“hidden in a little tyrant of a word in itself”
“hidden in false logic in itself”
“hidden in your mind itself”

-“Yeah, Whilst your nations’ and your races’ true enemies remain you, your racism, your feminisms
and the Negros and the homeless and the whores and the Jews.”

Commercial ends…

Resulting axiom:

Or to put it in other words  ‘yeah, I believe people can change in case murder is not something you’ve already crossed out of your TODO list, how to change for the better, only you can tell’

Or else always put ‘don’t flip a coin whenever you can instead like a Nazi use your thumb to choose or arrange to choose’ on your more freakish Greekish democratic frame of state mind…

I am nothing if after I unconjugately live I fail to remember to close the door after me,
lock it and die.
As long as I hope for nothing whilst fearing nothing,
I’m still alive.
Yes, I think I’ve obfuscated this enough
Have a propinquiotous life,
As if you have a choice.


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